One Click All v5a - ICS ONLY ( Hanya untuk ICS )
Root, Busybox, Vold.fstab, Tweaks, Updated GoogleApps
Cara praktis untuk Root
dan otomatisasi beberapa fitur
beberapa tambahan/fitur selain root
antara lain
1. busybox Installed
2. vold.fstab *sdcard > nandflash (membuat SDcard menjadi internal memori)
3. Touch screen tweaks, disable log, performance tweak
4. Updated Google Apps (05/10/2012)*
5. GooglePlay Store tidak dibatasi regional (no restriction,align,signed)
6. Block and Remove all Ads (iklan) dengan hosts file
Syarat :
1. Pastikan anda sudah menginstall usb driver sfat jika blm baca ini Tutorial lengkap
Installasi ADB Tablet Smartfren Andro Tab aka Skyworth S7
1. Pastikan USB Debugging di SFAT sudah diaktifkan
2. Klik 1click-root-all-batch-v5b.bat
3. jgn tutup window dan perhatikan sampai selesai
*klo device not found, coba aktifkan program dengan hak admin
*klik kanan run as administrator
*untuk kasus yangg adb, replace file adb.exe, AdbWinApi.dll, AdbWinUsbApi.dll
*dari folder adb yg sebelumnya dipake buat install driver.
*Alhasil langsung lancar jaya
v5b - using older adb for better compatibility adding busybox command into xbin, removing gravity calibration apps
v5a - fixing few bugs.. add few more tweaks
v5 - updated google apps, add gravity calibration apps, tweak code, and fixing busybox
v4a- add more tweaks and add fixing to works with batch 5
v4- fixing all previous bugs, delete build.prop hack, add new way to tweaks
v3- fixing all bugs and add hosts file to block ads
Download file dibawah ini...
Download One Click All v5b tanpa usb driver (15.9mb)
Buat yang mau apps Gravity Calibration
Download One Click All v5a dengan usb driver (24.3mb)
Download One Click All v5a tanpa usb driver (16.1mb)
Sumber : Facebook
3 komentar
Saya coba root kok berhenti di reboot yg kedua mas? please help me...hehe..
WA saya 085292267663...
mogok di reboot 2