Minggu, 16 Mei 2010
REPUBLIKA. CO. ID, JAKARTA--Kapolri, Pol Bambang Hendarso Danuri's general, pleading its staff at jajaran Densus 88. She asks for Komnas's included society HAM understands Densus's action 88 while assassinate 5 of 9 terrorist agents in this week arrest.

Terminologicaling it, officer takes into account principle of suspected that terrorism agent. ''They have principle better die than caught by life,'' say Kapolri in jumpa Mabes's mass media Police, weekend then.

Kapolri models, there is a female which is caught bodily in raid at Solo. While at Hospital, that female on the contrary mads with nurses because don't be let off.

Kapolripun expostulates news that declares for Densus Kerap to assassinate suspected terrorist that. Terminologicaling it, of 58 terrorist relate crenellated Acheh just 13 dead person